Veterans of Foreign Wars
Supported Legislation
2024-2025 NJ State Legislative
A131 – S158
Authorizes free hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses and free admission to State parks and forests for disabled veterans and individuals with certain types of military service.
Excludes bonuses for reenlistment
or voluntary extension of enlistment in armed forces from gross income.
Establishing veterans’ affordable housing preference; authorizing bonus fair share credit for veterans’ affordable housing. This bill has not been certified by OLS for a fiscal note.
Creates permanent commission to study various statutory definitions of veteran, disabled veteran, and service-disabled veteran. This bill has not been certified by OLS for a fiscal note.
Makes desecration of a military
monument a crime of the third degree.
Expands NJT Access Link
paratransit service area to include certain veterans health care facilities;
appropriates $1 million.
Establishes county veteran
transportation grant program; removes certain restrictions to the current
veterans transportation assistance program; appropriates $2 million.
Requires local government units to
provide opportunities for military- or veteran- owned businesses to supply
materials and services for projects receiving funding from NJ Infrastructure
Requires State Chief Diversity
Officer to conduct study of utilization of disabled veteran-owned businesses in
State procurement process.
Establishes Women Veterans
Coordinator in DMVA.
Increases days of paid leave of absence for public employees who serve in United States Reserves.
Prohibits school districts and
public institutions of higher education from adopting policies that bar
military members or veterans from addressing students.
Exempts veterans’ organizations
from motor vehicle registration fee.
Establishes disabled veteran
tenant gross income tax credit. Needs to revise and broaden the definition of a
disabled veteran.
Encourages expansion of community
mental health programs to include mental health services to veterans; prohibits
veterans from being denied county mental health services.
Requires school district to allow
graduating student to wear military sash while participating in high school
graduation ceremony.
Excludes military compensation of
military personnel serving outside of this State from gross income tax.
Exempts certain veterans from
gross income tax - have gross income of $50,000 or less
Establishes Veterans Suicide
Prevention Commission.
Requires DMVA create Bereavement
Counseling Program for family members and volunteer caregivers of certain
veterans. VFW sponsored.
Broadens eligibility for certain
civil service and pension benefits for veterans by eliminating requirement of
service during specified dates or in specified locations. VFW sponsored.
Allows property tax rebate for
disabled veterans. VFW Sponsored
Requires converting portion of
Paramus and Menlo Park veterans' memorial homes into single occupancy rooms;
requires upgrades to ventilation systems; provides Adjutant General discretion
for additional room considerations. VFW sponsored.
Makes various changes to address
sexual assault and child abuse and neglect involving military personnel;
addresses protection, penalties, enforcement, jurisdiction, and victim
compensation matters.
Establishes and allocates funds
for program to provide mental health services to veterans; appropriates $2
million. Testified Yes
Establishes New Jersey Veteran
Services Grant Program in DMVA; makes appropriation. Testified Yes with
Creates sexual assault prevention
and response program and coordinator for service members.
Creates Military and Veterans
Affairs Oversight Board. VFW sponsored.
Proposes constitutional amendment
to increase amount of veterans' property tax deduction from $250 to $2,500 over
four years.
Proposes constitutional amendment
authorizing Legislature to extend civil service hiring preference to veterans
who did not serve in time of war.
Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.