12/7/19 Pearl Harbor Day observance. 18 hours 60.00 expended.
12/8/19 PP/VOD District awards luncheon. 24 hours. 500.00 expended.
12/9/19 Wreaths Across America key exchange event East Brunswick JB Hunt facility. Provided color guard services for the event. 6 hours.
12/19/19 Conducted Fire/Home safety training at post 13 hours.
12/1-31/19 Provided hall rental services to the following organizations for no charge:
AA meetings 2x each week 16 hours
East Brunswick PBA children's Xmas party.5 hours
Corps League James Paige Det Xmas party. 5 hours.
Odd Fellow Lodge 7 meeting and party. 4 hours.
Hosted Air Force food drive. 4 hours. 2550.00 donated |