- recycling 31hrs.
- other community activities Pemberton veterans affairs committee AL post 294 Vietnam Veterans of America 899 Disabled Veterans of America post 27 30hrs. $25.00
- assisted fund drive hoagie sales fish fry's DJ Fridays 100hrs $250.00
- use of hall non VFW hall opened to community for televised sport events and game nights 100hrs. $75.00
- Volunteer @ Deborah 25hrs. $10.00
- senior citizens 20hrs.
- aid to others 75hrs
- Pedestrian Safety 10hrs.
- Drug Awareness 20hrs.
- recreation safety 5hrs.
- Memorial Day 100hrs $100.00
- Community memorial day & parade 450hrs. $250.00
- Sponsor girl scout troop memorial day prep 50hrs. $100.00