- (Illegible handwriting) Given out 22hrs. $200.00
- Use of Hall non-VFW Police & Boro. of Sayreville 10Hrs.
- Senior Citizens Keyport Center Meals & Aid 7hrs.
- Donation to Vietnam (Illegible) 2hrs. $100.00
- 5 Care Packages to soldiers. 5hrs. $87.00
- Stamps for (illegible) 1hr. $40.67
- Service Held @ church 11hrs. $200.00
- Memorial Service 11hrs. $100.00
- Memorial Day 3hrs.
- Patriotic Assembly post 4699 & Loyalty day 11hrs. $100.00
- Flag Presentation @ OLV & St. (Illegible) Schools 12hrs. 200.00
- Trailer Insurance Paid for trailer (Boy Scouts?) 1hr. $500.00